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As part of their June Weddings lineup, Hallmark Channel is bringing back fan favorites in new movies including last week’s Marrying Mr. Darcy, the sequel to Unleashing Mr. Darcy. This week brings us the sequel to The Perfect Bride with The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells starring Pascale Hutton and Kavan Smith, who already play a couple on Hallmark Channel’s hit series, When Calls the Heart.

Do you have a favorite When Calls the Heart moment?

My favorite moment on When Calls the Heart has to be when Lee and Rosemary were playing charades because Lee had lost his voice and Rosie decided to “help”.

Is there anything you can do on set that you know will make the other one laugh/break character?

Pascale has tried many times to get me to break up on set during takes but it never works. Either I can’t be distracted or she’s just not funny enough. I can crack her up easily though. Basically all I have to
do is smile and say “seriously?”

You’ve worked so much with Pascale, what would you say is her most embarrassing moment (on set)?

As far as embarrassing moments for Pascale on set I’m sorry to report that she simply never gets embarrassed. Nothing fazes her that way. I think she enjoys looking foolish sometimes. I think in a previous life she must have been a court jester (and just between us not a very funny one at that). I’ve even tried to deliberately embarrass her but it backfired. She didn’t get embarrassed she just went straight to
angry. I thoroughly deserved it and apologized immediately. Men.

You have a natural, fun, onscreen chemistry. Is it different or tricky for you to transfer from the early 20th century mindset of When Calls the Heart to modern day settings in The Perfect Bride?

Whatever chemistry we have really comes from the satisfaction we seem to get from making each other laugh and have fun. So I think that is something that easily jumps from period to period. I think we’d
be laughing and cracking each other up on a spaceship or in a show about cavemen. Don’t think it would matter at all. We like to make the work fun. It helps that we’re both professionals so we can fool around
but still know that when it comes time to get stuff done we can buckle down PDQ.

In The Perfect Bride, Nick is a great photographer—how would you describe your photography skills?

Nick is indeed a “great” photographer. My skills are somewhat limited. My little brother in real life is actually an amazing photographer with his stuff in galleries all over the place so I know compared to an artist like him I suck. My skills in that realm are limited to taking pictures of some of the food I make.

What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten?

Best thing I’ve ever eaten is tough. I think that food is part of that answer of course, but the other part which I think is equally important is the experience. Where, when, with whom etc. But I’ll give you an
example. Some years ago my wife and I were bicycling in southern France with our two little boys in kid seats. We climbed up this steep hill into a picturesque little town with a restaurant on a cliff looking
over the whole valley. We pulled over and sat outside on the terrace covered in grapevines and ate a really great pasta carbonara and drank a bottle of wine. The meal wasn’t necessarily “the” best but the experience is one I’ll never forget.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?

The worst thing is easier. My kids remind me every day that not everything Daddy cooks is great. When they think my cooking ego might be getting a bit too big they jump right in with “Don’t forget the
pudding Dad. Never forget the pudding” I made chocolate pudding one time using buttermilk. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sure I’ve eaten worse. Like bugs or moldy bread or some other foulness
but my kids will never let me forget the pudding. It was awful. It tasted like bitter wall cement mixed with rotten eggs. Blah.

You’re at crafty on set. What do you reach for?

When on set and I get to crafty my mind always goes to the chocolate covered almonds. But my hand reaches for the cucumber strips. At my age, the craft service table is my mortal enemy.

Do you have a favorite all time book or book you’re reading right now?

Books really used to be my thing. In my youth I really went after books in a big way. I even tried my hand at writing a few. Until I realized I wasn’t quite as smart as the guys/gals who wrote the kinds
of books I was interested in. I even wrote a kids book once. Unpublished of course. Impossible to give one. Impossible to give 50 really but I’ll give you two just because. What’s Bread In The Bone by
Robertson Davies. It’s the book that turned me onto reading in the first place. Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie, which blew me away with its intelligence and its creativity.

What was the last show you binge-watched?

I don’t binge-watch. I just fall asleep and my wife tells me what happened.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

First celebrity crush. Easy. I was young. Linda CarterWonder Woman. Because she was wonderful.

Do you have a go-to meal that you like to cook?

Go-to meal is whatever I feel like making at that moment. I have a lot of go-to meals. My wife has a few favorites of mine that she’ll request and I think she probably asks for risotto more than anything
else. I make a mean risotto.

Is there a movie you can watch over and over again?

The movie I never get sick of? Lots of those too. Here’s a couple. Hands down Casablanca. Never get sick of that one. Or Shawshank Redemption. Or The Natural. Like I said it’s a long list.

Do you have a favorite sport?

I love playing tennis with my boys (and wife) and I love going to the MMA gym with them too. Good work out.

Who’s your favorite band or song?

Hmmm. Good question. Maybe not a band actually. I had the pleasure and privilege of seeing Nina Simone in New York once not too long before she died and that was one heck of a musical highlight for me so I’m going with Nina.


Ecrit par Misty 
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Sachez que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage ! Bon week-end à tous !

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Beaucoup de news paraissent chaque jour sur les séries TV, n'hésitez pas à nous aider à publier ces nombreuses actus !

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