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Sarah Scoop

Sarah Scoop a mis en ligne sur son blog un article qui s'intitule 10 things we love about Holland Roden.

Il regroupe 10 choses que la plupart des fans de Holland Roden aiment chez elle.





If you’ve ever seen anything with actress Holland Roden in it, then you’d know that it’s impossible to not fall in love with her. It’s safe to say that here at SarahScoop we are obsessed with her, so we obviously had to create a list of a few of our favorite things about her!


1. Her hair.

If we could chop off and steal someone’s hair and put it on our own head, it’d be Holland’s. She has beautiful hair that always manages to look perfect. Whether it’s up, down, curly, straight or somewhere in-between, it’s never failed to look gorgeous. Plus, look at that color; we’re obsessed! Holland, please share your hair secrets with us!


2. Her fashion sense and risk-taking.

Holland has an amazing sense of fashion. She’s always wearing the cutest clothes! What we may love even more, though, is how many fashion risks she takes. She’s always wearing something new and different. Sometimes she’s wearing something bold and edgy, while other days she’s wearing something cute and classy. No matter what she’s wearing, she always looks fantastic!


3. She’s incredibly talented.

If you’ve seen anything she’s ever been in, then this one is pretty self explanatory; girl’s got talent! Her acting skills really shined during this past season of “Teen Wolf.” She made us cry, scream, laugh and fall in love. With each episode, her acting only improved more and more. Plus, she had to play a character that didn’t have feelings for Dylan O’Brien’s character; now if that isn’t talent, we don’t know what is. And have we mentioned that she can also rap? Hey Holland Roden–what can’t you do?!


4. She is obsessed with her dog.

We love animals and so does Holland! She has a small dog named Fievel and she’s always posting pictures of her on twitter and instagram. She could talk about her dog for hours and we could listen for hours. Her dog is absolutely adorable and we love how much she loves her! We also think it’s super adorable that Fievel and Holland have the same hair color!


5. Her support for Food Revolution and good nutrition.

This day in age, nutrition information is a hot topic. Holland is on board with Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution and is trying to fight for more nutrition education. Her involvement in this movement sends an amazing message to all of her fans.


6. She has big dreams.

Holland is not your typical Hollywood actress. Even though she is already living some of her dreams, she has even more dreams. She has back-up plans and knows exactly what she’d want to be doing if she wasn’t acting. She even went to college, which is something you don’t see a lot of actors and actresses doing.


7. She’s incredibly funny.

Watch any interview with Holland and we can guarantee that you’ll be laughing for hours. She is hysterical, even when she’s not trying to be. This past season of “Teen Wolf,” she hosted a few Ustream live chats and each week they got better and better. It’s hard to not laugh and smile in the presence of Holland Roden. Put her with Colton Haynes or the rest of her cast and the laughing will never end (from you and from them)!


8. She’s just like us.

Holland may be an actress and on television, but she’s just like you and me! She even has her celebrity obsessions like Oprah, Michael Shannon and Joshua Jackson. We love how down-to-earth and normal she is!


9. She’s a sweetheart.

Holland is one of the sweetest girls ever. She’s always making sure that her friends, family and fans are happy. She is so kindhearted and passionate, that we’re pretty sure there isn’t a mean bone in her body!


10. Her fans mean the world to her.

Holland loves her fans more than anything. She’s constantly tweeting them, sending them messages, meeting them and doing special things for them. It’s clear that she’s so grateful for the fans she has and we love how much she loves interacting with them. She has such a strong relationship with her fans and we know that is something that will never change.




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