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Les Experts
#112 : Tout feu, tout flamme

Un jeune homme, Frank Damon, accusé du meurtre de sa femme et son fils dans un incendie criminel, décide de demander les services de Grissom pour qu'il soit innocenté. Gil, aidé par Sara et Warrick décide de reprendre l'enquête irrésolue de l'équipe de jour de la Police Scientifique de Las Vegas, dirigée par Eckley. Catherine et Nick enquête sur le meurtre d'un coursier travaillant pour un bookmaker, retrouvé assassiné dans sa voiture en possession d'une grosse somme d'argent. 


3.5 - 12 votes

Titre VO
Farhenheit 932

Titre VF
Tout feu, tout flamme

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Jacqueline Zambrano
Réalisé par : Danny Cannon

Avec : Marc Vann (Conrad Eckley)

Guests :

  • Frederick Koehler ..... Danny Hillman 
  • Jarrad Paul ..... Tony 
  • Sterling Macer Jr ..... Frank Damon 
  • Tamara Clatterbuck ..... Sandra Hillman 
  • Chaka Forman ..... 

Pré Générique

Prison du comté de Las Vegas, un détenu expédie un colis anonyme contenant une cassette vidéo à destination de Grissom, qui la réceptionne et la visionne en compagnie de Brass. Cette cassette contient une intervention vidéo d’un certain Frank Damon, jugé pour le meurtre de sa femme et son fils qui auraient péri dans un incendie criminel. Durant son intervention, Damon nie les faits alors que toutes les preuves sont contre lui et demande à Grissom, son ultime recours, de prouver son innocence.


Grissom, alors en train de consulter un dossier, est rejoint au labo par Catherine, Nick et Sara. Il leur attribue alors leurs différentes enquêtes. Catherine et Nick seront chargés d’élucider le meurtre d’un courtier, un homme de race blanche, retrouvé mort dans sa voiture sur le parking de la salle de paris sportifs du Monaco. Grissom demande à Sara et Warrick de l’aider sur l’affaire Damon (incendie criminel) dont le procès commencera dans trois jours. Il leur informe que l’enquête a été préalablement menée par l’équipe de jour de la police scientifique dirigée par Ekley. Sara et Warrick se demandent alors si il est possible de reprendre une enquête officiellement close.

Sur le parking du département de Police, Brass fait par des éléments de l’enquête à Grissom. Des témoins auraient vu Damon fuir la maison en flammes, laissant alors sa femme et son fils à l’intérieur. Il lui indique également que la femme du suspect était très dépensière et que le couple avait acheté cette maison. Ils se seraient disputés à propos de questions d’argent et le suspect aurait provoqué sciemment l’incendie afin de toucher la prime d’assurance. Les preuves attestant de la culpabilité du suspect sont d’ailleurs accablantes : les techniciens ont relevé des traces d’essence dans le dressing, alors point d’origine de l’incendie, et l’étude approfondie des relevés de Carte Bancaire du suspect indique que ce dernier a acheté du carburant une semaine avant la déclaration de l’incendie.

Catherine et Nick se rendent sur le lieu de l’homicide dont ils sont chargés. Le Sergent O’Riley les attend d’ailleurs sur place. Ils établissent alors leurs premières constatations : la victime a été tuée d’un coup de feu tiré à bout portant par son meurtrier qui l’attendait alors à l’arrière du véhicule. La victime est très jeune. Catherine constate, en fouillant le portefeuille de la victime, que ce dernier a été entièrement vidé. Ils remarquent également que la victime portait une prothèse auditive. Nick, en fouillant l’arrière de la voiture, relève des traces de condensation sur une des vitres et procède donc à des prélèvements. Catherine découvre par hasard une liasse de billet d’une valeur de 15.000 $ dans un sachet en papier. Cette liasse est accompagnée d’un ticket comportant l’indication : « Giants – 9 », ce qui signifie que le courtier a misé la somme de 30.000 $ à 9 contre 1 sur les Giants pour le Superbowl. Ils découvrent aussi que ce ticket a été délivré par le guichet 12 de la salle de paris sportifs du Monaco. Après avoir interrogé le guichetier à l’origine de la transaction, l’identité de la victime ne fait plus aucun doute, il s’agit du coursier numéro 517 chargé de prendre des paris pour un patron avec lequel il communique via une oreillette. Quant à leur interlocuteur, il leur indique qu’il compte quitter son emploi à la fin de la semaine.

Grissom se rend à la prison afin d’interroger Damon, le prévenu incendiaire qui lui a demandé de prouver son innocence. Il le rencontre enfin au parloir du centre d’incarcération. La conversation débute. Grissom lui demande pourquoi il a fait appel à ses compétences. Damon lui indique alors que les nombreux spécialistes qu’il a contactés n’ont pas voulu l’aider et que ces derniers l’ont alors dirigé vers lui. Au cours de la conversation, Grissom observe attentivement son interlocuteur, ce qui lui permet de se faire une idée précise de son niveau d’instruction.
Damon lui relate alors les faits de la nuit de l’incendie. Il était minuit, Jane, sa femme a soudainement eu une fringale alors il est sorti de la maison afin d’acheter de quoi la satisfaire. Leur fils Tobby, âgé de huit ans, s’était glissé dans leur lit puisqu’il n’arrivait pas à trouver le sommeil, sans doute excité par l’idée d’aller faire du camping le lendemain. Vingt minutes après, lorsqu’il revint chez lui, il vit de la fumée et entra précipitamment dans sa maison afin de sauver sa famille. La maison était enfumée. Il se dirigea alors vers la chambre où se trouvaient sa femme et son fils mais hésita à ouvrir la porte car il savait très bien qu’il y avait un risque de flash-over (une température de 500°C couplée à un ajout soudain d’oxygène transforme la fumée en flamme). Il constata que la porte était brûlante, il ne pouvait donc pas l’ouvrir à cause des risques de flash-over car en tant pompier volontaire aspirant à se professionnaliser, il connaissait le feu et ses dangers. Il décida alors de sortir de la maison afin d’appeler du secours.
Grissom évoque alors la présence d’un accélérant dans la mesure où les enquêteurs ont découvert des traces d’hydrocarbure sur le sol du dressing de la chambre à coucher. De même que l’étude des relevés de carte bancaire a révélé que Damon s’était procuré de l’essence, celui affirme alors qu’il avait acheté ce carburant pour sa tondeuse à gazon qui se trouve dans son garage. Damon remet en cause ces preuves, rendant alors Grissom plus que sceptique sur ses véritables agissements au cours de cette nuit tragique. En voyant des traces de brûlures sur les mains de Damon, Grissom est alors convaincu qu’il ne lui dit pas toute la vérité.

Warrick, Grissom et Sara se rendent alors au domicile de Damon afin d’inspecter les lieux à la recherche d’éventuels nouveaux éléments qui pourraient relancer l’enquête officiellement bouclée par Ekley. Warrick prend une série de clichés. Ils constatent alors que ce qui n’a pas été détruit par le feu l’a été par les pompiers, ce qui annonce certaines difficultés pour nos Experts. Sara remarque que Tobby, le fils de Damon, se préparait activement pour aller camper, dans son sac elle découvre un boîtier étanche pour allumettes. Ce qui amène Warrick a suspecté une éventuelle malveillance de l’enfant.
Une fois arrivé au niveau de la chambre où s’est déclaré l’incendie, ils émettent des constatations. Le feu n’a pas été uniquement contenu dans la chambre puisque le côté extérieur du chambrant de la porte est également carbonisé. Le feu se propage uniquement là il peut se nourrir en oxygène et combustible. Ils décident alors de prélever un échantillon de cet élément. Ils remarquent également que le bois a brûlé à cet endroit alors que la porte ne comporte pas de traces de combustion. Ils relèvent aussi des traces de caoutchouc sur la poignée de la porte qui pourraient provenir d’un gant de pompier.
Le rapport d’Ekley indique que le feu a débuté dans le dressing qui a alors été ravagé par les flammes. Ils y remarquent aussi des traces en forme de V sur le mur indiquant que la flamme s’est élevée rapidement tout en tentant de trouver une issue, ce qui permet de retracer son parcours. La base de la trace en forme de V est étroite (le point d’embrasement), ce qui indique que le départ du feu a été particulièrement rapide et violent, ce qui atteste de la présence d’un accélérateur à cet endroit. Conclusion, Damon aurait aspergé de l’essence sur le sol du dressing, y aurait mit le feu à l’aide d’une allumette et se serait enfuit.
Sara remarque la présence de bouts de verre complètement fondus soudés au sol. Le changement de couleur du sol indique également qu’il y a eu une grosse chaleur au moment de l’inflammation. Ils se demandent alors pourquoi il y a des bouts de verre soudés au niveau du foyer de l’incendie. Aussi, Grissom se demande pourquoi il n’y a pas de traces de traînées qui auraient du être laissées par de l’essence aspergée alors censée augmenter la surface de propagation du feu. Warrick et Sara semblent convaincus de la culpabilité de Damon, à la lumière de ce qu’ils viennent de découvrir, or ils sont aussitôt rappelés à l’ordre par Gil qui leur reproche alors leur rationalisme.

A la morgue, Catherine demande à Madame Hillman d’identifier son fils retrouvé mort sur le parking du Monaco. Visiblement choquée, elle l’authentifie… Ensuite, une fois dans le couloir, Catherine pose les questions d’usage à la mère de la victime et lui demande si son fils était malentendant, à cause de la prothèse auditive qu’elle a découverte. Mme Hillman lui indique alors que son fils, alors influencé par Dany son frère adepte des combines en tout genre, était coursier et qu’il utilisait une oreillette afin de converser avec son patron qui lui donnait alors des ordres sur les paris à effectuer. Catherine et Nick veulent alors interroger Dany, qui a mystérieusement disparu…

Pendant ce temps, Ekley rend une petite visite de courtoisie à Grissom afin de se renseigner sur l’avancée de l’enquête ; visiblement échaudé, il l’interpelle aux sujets des preuves accablantes qu’il a mises en lumière. Pour lui, il s’agit bien d’un incendie criminel, corroboré par deux preuves indéniables : le reçu de carte bancaire signalant l’achat d’un bidon d’essence une semaine avant l’incendie et les traces d’hydrocarbure sur le sol du dressing. Grissom reprend ses arguments en mettant en exergue l’absence de traînées inhérente à la présence d’un élément incendiaire. Ekley répond à Grissom en lui rappelant que le suspect est un pompier volontaire sachant très bien comment déclencher un incendie sans laisser de traces.

Dans le vestiaire, Catherine et Nick interrogent Warrick sur la profession de coursier, qu’il a pratiquée lorsqu’il était à la fac. Il conseille à Nick d’aller chercher le coupable du coté des collègues coursiers de la victime et non pas du côté des commanditaires. A ce moment là, le bipper de Warrick sonne, lui indiquant alors que Grissom souhaite le voir au plus vite.

Au laboratoire, Grissom reproduit les circonstances de l’incendie en utilisant les mêmes conditions que dans la chambre de Damon. Il prend trois gouttes d’essence, un apport d’oxygène limité et il chauffe le tout à 500°C, la température d’auto embrasement. Résultat, la fumée s’enflamme donc il s’agit d’un flash-over. Ce qui vérifie la première partie de la version de Damon. Quant au chambrant de la porte, il contient des boursouflures dus à la carbonisation attestant d’un certain degré de combustion. D’après la profondeur des sillons dits en peau de crocodile, ils en déduisent que le bois a brûlé rapidement et à haute température. Cependant, il n’y aucune trace d’accélérateur, or le morceau de chambrant était situé à l’extérieur alors que le feu était contenu à l’intérieur de la chambre d’où la mise sur pied d’un second scénario : Damon aurait ouvert la porte ce qui ramènerait à dire qu’il ment. Grissom cherche alors la vérité derrière le mensonge.

Il se rend de nouveau à la prison du comté afin d’obtenir des informations supplémentaires de la part de Damon. Avant de lui parler, il croise sa sœur dans le couloir.
Grissom évoque le chambrant de la porte qui a brûlé. Si la porte n’avait pas été ouverte, il n’aurait pas brûlé, ce qui indique que Damon a menti sur son attitude au moment de l’incendie. Grissom demande alors à Damon de lui montrer la paume de ses mains, il y remarque d’ailleurs les traces laissées par la poignée brûlante de la porte. Au pied du mur, Damon décide de lui dire la vérité. Le soir de l’incendie, il n’a pas agi en soldat du feu, mais plutôt en être humain au point d’oublier tout ce qu’il avait appris sur les incendies. Voulant sauver à tout prix sa famille des flammes, il a ouvert la porte et la fumée s’est embrasée mais l’a aussitôt refermée afin que le feu ne se propage pas à l’ensemble de la demeure. Il pense alors être responsable de la mort de sa famille, honteux de ne pas avoir pu les sauver. Grissom le rassure en affirmant qu’il n’aurait rien pu faire de plus, l’oxyde de carbone les ayant déjà condamnés.

Dans la salle des paris du Monaco, Catherine et Sara interrogent à nouveau le guichetier, qui ne se gène pas pour leur montrer un coursier en plein travail. Ils parlent même avec l’un d’entre eux.

Dans la maison des Damon, Warrick alors en pleine inspection, est surpris par Grissom, également soucieux de trouver de nouveaux éléments dans le but de faire avancer l’enquête. En fouillant les débris du déblai laissé par les pompiers, ils découvrent sous un matelas l’épave d’un radiateur à air pulsé de marque Janko Electric, modèle 220, complètement grillé. Appareil capable de chauffer une grande surface, il se trouvait dans la chambre et les pompiers l’ont déposé dans le déblai pendant leur intervention. Ils pensent alors que le radiateur, situé dans le dressing, aurait grillé suite à une défaillance électrique, provoquant alors l’incendie, il ne leur reste plus qu’à prouver leurs dires.

Pendant ce temps, au laboratoire, Catherine et Nick reçoivent les résultats des analyses du prélèvement effectué sur la vitre arrière du véhicule de la victime. Il s’agit de mucus nasal venant des projections d’un éternuement. Grâce à l’analyse de ce mucus, il est possible de dresser le profil ADN du meurtrier.
Un des techniciens signale à Catherine que deux personnes souhaitent lui parler. Elle se rend donc à l’accueil pour les rejoindre. Elle découvre qu’il s’agit de Mme Hillman, alors accompagnée par son fils Dany.
Catherine procède alors à son interrogatoire. Dany lui apprend qu’il a joué une grosse somme d’argent destiné à un pari, pour son compte au black-jack, argent qu’il a malheureusement perdu. Il a donc doublé sa mise et a finalement perdu 3.000 $. Il a pris peur et s’est enfuit en oubliant totalement de protéger son frère. Catherine lui demande alors qui aurait pu attenter à la vie de son frère, ce dont à quoi il répond que cela pourrait très bien être un autre coursier, tant la concurrence existant entre eux semble féroce. Sa mère lui défend de donner les noms des autres coursiers, les experts ne se contenteront alors que de la fréquence d’émission de l’oreillette.

Toujours au laboratoire, Ekley rend de nouveau visite à Grissom, alors en train d’analyser des fils électriques de la prise du dressing. Ekley déclare n’avoir repéré aucun radiateur grillé dans le salon, Grissom lui indique alors qu’il se trouvait en fait dans le dressing où se situait la prise la plus proche du lit. Il prouve aussi que les fils électriques ont brûlé de l’intérieur, ce qui atteste que le feu a débuté dans le mur, et non pas sur le sol du dressing comme l’a initialement constaté Ekley.
La décoloration des fils de bout en bout indique que le fil s’est consumé de l’intérieur. L’incendie est donc du à une surcharge électrique dont l’étincelle a mis le feu à la substance inflammable. L’analyse de l’accélérateur trouvé sur le sol du dressing indique qu’il s’agit d’un hydrocarbure, c'est-à-dire de l’essence. Grissom et Ekley confrontent donc leurs points de vue, pour le premier le feu s’est déclaré dans le mur, pour le second, il a débuté sur le sol du dressing ; Ekley, qui bénéficie du soutien affiché du procureur, affirme également que le jury ne retiendra que le terme Essence au cours des débats et que la théorie de Grissom risque de tomber aux oubliettes. Une seule question reste à élucider : Comment expliquer les traces d’essence sur le sol de la penderie ?
Grissom se rend donc à la prison pour interroger Damon à ce sujet, ce dernier ne lui fournit alors pas d’explications tangibles.

Pendant ce temps, Catherine et Warrick ont convoqué l’ensemble des coursiers pour procéder à des tests comparatifs. Ils prélèvent donc du mucus nasal sur chacun d’entre eux afin de le comparer à l’échantillon dont ils disposent. Les résultats de ces tests ne sont guère probants, les coursiers sont ainsi mis hors de cause.

Grissom et Sara s’interrogent pour leur part sur les circonstances de l’incendie. Grissom étant à court d’arguments, Sara lui fait part de sa théorie. Selon elle, les morceaux de verre fondus incrustés sur le sol indiquent que la température à cet endroit était de 500°C. Or avec la température et l’eau projetée par les pompiers sur les flammes il ne devrait pratiquement rien rester de cet accélérateur. Donc les conclusions d’Ekley au sujet de la présence d’essence n’étaient basées sur aucune preuve matérielle autre que les reçus de Damon. Or les traces de propagation indique la présence d’un accélérateur, en outre Sara et Warrick indique qu’on trouve des traces d’hydrocarbure partout et que n’importe lequel d’entre eux peut devenir un accélérant. Ils décident alors d’inspecter à nouveau la demeure des Damon, une fois arrivés sur place, ils constatent qu’une équipe est en train de nettoyer la maison.

Furieux, Grissom rejoint Ekley dans son bureau et lui reproche sa décision, alors que de nouvelles preuves favorables à Damon ont été découvertes. Grissom s’énerve et refuse violemment le café proposé par Ekley, la cafetière alors projetée contre le mur se brise…en plusieurs morceaux. C’est à ce moment là que Grissom a une idée lumineuse.

Il se rend alors à la prison pour interroger Damon, sur le chemin du parloir il croise d’ailleurs sa sœur à qui il pose quelques questions, celle-ci visiblement gênée préfère éluder la conversation… Une fois au parloir, Grissom demande à Damon de lui raconter ce qui s’est réellement passé ce soir là. Il affirme alors qu’il voulait quitter Jane pour sa maîtresse. Furieuse, elle lui a lancé divers objets, parmi eux il y avait une lampe à pétrole. Cette dernière s’est alors brisée au moment de son impact sur le sol du dressing, aspergeant ainsi le sol d’une substance inflammable. Plus tard, une surcharge électrique du radiateur a produit une étincelle qui a alors mis le feu à la nappe de pétrole située sur le sol du dressing, alors à l’origine de l’incendie.

Nick se rend à la salle de paris afin de régler une affaire. Il tombe alors sur le guichetier qu’il a précédemment interrogé. Au moment de partir, ce dernier éternue, ce qui intrigue Nick, qui voit en lui le suspect idéal du meurtre sur lequel il enquête (à cause du mucus nasal qui indique que le suspect a un rhume). Les Experts procèdent alors à son interpellation.

Grissom attend Damon, qui est enfin libéré après avoir été disculpé à la lumière des preuves récemment découvertes. Il lui demande si il peut le déposer quelque part. A ce moment précis, sa sœur Rachel arrive… Et Grissom finit par découvrir qu’il s’agissait en fait de sa maîtresse…

Réalisé par Morte




SCENE #01:


(The inmates, dressed in bright red exercise outside. They play basketball, lift weights, etc.)

(Cut to: One inmate in his cell addresses a package to:
c/o CSI
LAS VEGAS, NV89109 )

(The inmate carries the package and walks out with the other inmates who also have letters and things to mail.)

OFFICER: Into the bag, follow me.

(One by one, the inmates put their letters into the open mailbag set up to the side of the hallway.)

(The inmate carrying the box addressed to GRISSOM, puts it into the mailbag and keeps walking.)

(Cut to: The package is placed on a conveyor belt and scanned through the x-ray. The camera rises to the monitor and shows that inside the package is a video tape.)

(The package exits the scanner and is picked up on the other side.)


SCENE #02:


(The delivery person carries the stamped package down the hallway. He turns the corner and walks into the Break Room where GRISSOM is leafing through a

DELIVERY BOY: This came for you, Mr. Grissom.

(He hands the package to GRISSOM who takes it and puts it on the table between him and BRASS. GRISSOM leans over to look at it as does BRASS.)

BRASS: What's this? An anonymous package from county lockup?

(GRISSOM takes out something to open the package. BRASS immediately protests.)

BRASS: Yeah, well, hey, just a second. Wait a minute. Give an innocent bystander a chance to clear out, will you?

GRISSOM: What are you worried about?

BRASS One minute, I'm eating tomato salad. The next ... I'm gazpacho.

(GRISSOM takes off the wrapping and opens the box. Inside is the video tape.)

BRASS: With any luck it'll be the next episode of G-String Divas.

(GRISSOM puts it in the video tape machine and turns it on. He settles back in the chair to watch.)

(On videotape, FRANK DAMON sits in front of the camera and blows lightly into the clip-on microphone then rather than put it on, he holds onto it as he

FRANK DAMON: (on videotape) My name is Frank Damon ... and I'm awaiting trial for the murder of ... my wife and son.

BRASS: (nods) That's an arson case -- a few months ago. The DA is asking for the death penalty.

FRANK DAMON: (on videotape) I didn't kill my family ... but my lawyer says the evidence is against me.

(Something about the videotape captures GRISSOM'S attention. He stares at the monitor intently.)

FRANK DAMON: (on videotape) I was a good father. I loved him. I would have given my life for Toby and Jeannie. They were my world. Mr. Grissom, you are my last hope. Please ... help me.

BRASS: An innocent man. Jail's full of them.

GRISSOM: It only takes one.




SCENE #03:


(GRISSOM is sitting at the table reviewing the files. In the background through the glass, we see CATHERINE walk toward the room; NICK and SARA follow her.)

(GRISSOM continues to read the file. Suddenly CATHERINE leans over and stares at the file over his shoulder.)

(GRISSOM turns to look at her.)

CATHERINE: Am I disturbing you?



(GRISSOM realizes that everyone's there for their assignments.)

GRISSOM: Oh. Great. Sorry.

(Everyone starts to take their seats around the table. GRISSOM puts the file down and looks around the stacks of paper on the table. He sighs.)

GRISSOM: Uh, I was supposed to pass out some supervisor evaluation forms. Where are they?

(CATHERINE grabs the papers on the table and starts handing them out.)

CATHERINE: Here they are.

NICK: (sits down & smiles) Mmm. Get to rate the boss. I dig this.

(CATHERINE gives NICK the evaluation form.)

CATHERINE: Give him a perfect ten or your ass is out of here.

GRISSOM: (exasperated) No, it's not.

(SARA laughs. CATHERINE hands her an evaluation form and heads around the table toward WARRICK.)

GRISSOM: All right. Assignment: Parking lot of the sportsbook at the Monaco. Caucasian male found dead in the front seat of his car.

(CATHERINE sits down.)

NICK: Two days before the Super Bowl.

(Sounds promising to WARRICK as he leans forward.)

WARRICK: I'll take a piece of that.

GRISSOM: No. Uh, Nick and Catherine.

(WARRICK sniffs and settles back in his seat. SARA pipes up.)

SARA: What else you got?

GRISSOM: You and Warrick are working with me.

CATHERINE: The prisoner plea. Brass told me about the video.

GRISSOM: Yeah. If we take the case we have very little time to work it. The trial starts in three days.

SARA: How did he find you? 1-800-GRISSOM ... ?

(NICK laughs.)

CATHERINE: Wait a minute. Ecklie was the CSI on that arson. I see a bad moon rising.

WARRICK: Can a CSI take over another CSIi's case?

CATHERINE: Only if they're of equal rank and they're looking for trouble.

GRISSOM: No trouble. We're both colleagues searching for the truth. Okay, that's it. Look ... onward. You have to start by looking at this.

(GRISSOM holds out the video tape. SARA reaches out and takes it.)

WARRICK: Hey, what happened to that, uh, meeting the other day?

GRISSOM: Meeting?

WARRICK: Yeah, the department heads were voting on an extra vacation day or something?

(NICK, who had already stood up to leave for his assignment, stops and turns to listen to WARRICK.)


(GRISSOM stares at them ... clueless. He doesn't say anything and it's obvious that he didn't go to the meeting. CATHERINE shrugs.)

NICK: (looks at evaluation) Hmm. "Organization" ... minus one.


SCENE #04:


(GRISSOM is in his car about to leave, when BRASS calls out to him as he approaches the car from the passenger side.)

BRASS: Yo, cousin.

(GRISSOM turns to look at BRASS.)

BRASS: I'm going to save you some gas here. I did some checking on your pal Damon.

GRISSOM: I don't remember asking you to.

BRASS: Eyewitness saw him running from his burning house. Inside was his wife and kid. Now, wife's a big spender. Maxed out on the credit cards. They just bought the place and already he's late on the payments. Couple's always arguing about money. No surprise.

GRISSOM: Well, how does killing his family solve his money problems?

BRASS: Maybe he didn't mean to. Maybe he needed the insurance dough and things got out of hand.

GRISSOM: Too many maybes. I think we should go with the evidence.

BRASS: Well, I got something for you on that, too. Gasoline found in the master bedroom closet.

GRISSOM: Yeah, a hydrocarbon. I read Ecklie's report.

BRASS: Did you skip the page with Damon's credit card receipts? Guy bought a gallon of gas a week before the fire.

GRISSOM: Do I seem like the kind of guy who skips stuff?

BRASS: Read my lips. There is no compelling evidence to suggest Damon was wrongfully charged.

GRISSOM: Well, then, it'll be a short interview, won't it?

(GRISSOM starts the car engine.)



SCENE #05:


(CATHERINE and NICK walk up to the crime scene.)

NICK: Whew! Two days before the super bowl and they're already killing each other.

(CATHERINE looks into the car window. SGT. O'RILEY peers in through the open driver-side door at CATHERINE.)

CATHERINE: Hey, O'Riley, anyone put their meat hooks on this vehicle?

SGT. O'RILEY: How long have we worked together?

CATHERINE: Still got to ask.

NICK: Sergeant.

(SGT. O'RILEY sees that NICK wants to get to the body. He steps aside and NICK steps forward to look at the body leaning against the steering wheel.)

SGT. O'RILEY: What's up?

NICK: Oh ... gunshot wound to the head, point-blank range.

CATHERINE: Just a baby.

(CATHERINE snaps a photo of the body. She opens the back door and picks up the wallet to check it.)

CATHERINE: Tap city. Empty.

(Quick flashback to: The DRIVER gets into the car. As soon as the car door closes, the KILLER sits up and puts the gun to the back of his head.)

CATHERINE: (v.o.) Killer was probably in the back seat waiting for him.

(The KILLER shoots; blood spurts onto the windshield.)

CATHERINE: (v.o.) Kid never stood a chance.

(The KILLER reaches over for the wallet. Once he gets it, he pushes the dead body toward the steering wheel. White flash to: The KILLER removes the money from the wallet)

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

(NICK examines the dead body and notices something stuck in his ear.)

NICK: Check this out. Hearing aid?

CATHERINE: Maybe he was deaf.

NICK: Possibly.

(NICK puts his flashlight down, then moves to the back seat behind the driver. He opens the door and notices the window.)

NICK: Got some condensation on the window. You should get a shot of this.

(CATHERINE pulls out a plastic bag under the back seat passenger side chair. She opens it and checks inside, then chuckles.)

CATHERINE: You hungry, Nick? Got a burger. Extra lettuce.

(CATHERINE takes out a stack of hundred dollar bills. It's wrapped with two
rubber bands with a paper that reads:

LAKER - 11
TO WIN 550 000
TOTAL 510 000
576 TELLER #?
26JAN01 **:25:42

NICK: A rule of thumb: $2,500 an inch. There's got to be ... fifteen thousand

(CATHERINE looks at the paper label and reads.)

CATHERINE: "Giants ... negative nine."

(Something sounds recognizable to NICK. He looks at CATHERINE and she hands
over the money to NICK.)

NICK: "Giants minus nine."

(NICK shows CATHERINE the ticket attached to the stack of bills.)

NICK: It's a super bowl ticket. Straight bet-- $30,000.

CATHEIRNE: What does a kid doing walking around with a wad like that betting
thirty grand on a football game? Who wrote the ticket?

(NICK pulls out the ticket and shows it to CATHERINE.)

NICK: Teller 12.


SCENE #06:


(CATHERINE and NICK question TONY, TELLER 12.)

TONY (TELLER 12): Yeah, I wrote the ticket. So what?

CATHERINE: So, it was found with the kid killed in your parking lot.

TONY (TELLER 12): Yeah. 30 dimes. It was 517's.

NICK: 517? What's that?

TONY (TELLER 12): That's his number. He was a runner.

CATHERINE: A runner?

TONY (TELLER 12): Yeah, a gofer -- runs from book to book places bets with
other people's money.

CATHERINE: Kid wasn't a day over sixteen. Isn't that illegal?

TONY (TELLER 12): Lady, he's not buying a pack of cigarettes. He's betting
$30,000. Vig for the house is three grand. We look the other way.

NICK: I'd be willing to bet there's a mother out there that wishes you hadn't.

TONY (TELLER 12): Hey, what do I care? I'm out of this job by the end of the
week. Tired of looking at scumbags.

CATHERINE: Well, does 517 have a name?

TONY (TELLER 12): I only know them by their numbers.

(NICK turns and walks away.)

CATHERINE: (to TONY) Well, you've been very helpful. Thank you.


SCENE #07:


(GRISSOM walks up to the gate.)

GRISSOM: Evening.

OFFICER: Here you go.

(The GUARD opens the gate for him.)

GRISSOM: Thanks.

INMATE: Yo, Grissom!

(GRISSOM turns and sees a guard leading a line of inmates for a walk in the
fresh night air.)

INMATE: (to other inmate) This guy's the reason I'm in here. Shoe print.
(yells) Yo, man, next time I'll go barefoot!

GRISSOM: (yells back, amused) Even better. Footprints.

(GRISSOM turns to walk into the facility.)


SCENE #08:


(The guard leads FRANK DAMON to the cubicle where GRISSOM sits waiting for him.
He picks up the telephone.)

FRANK DAMON: So, you're the Grissom they wrote about in the newspaper? I
thought you'd be older.

GRISSOM: Why did you contact me, Mr. Damon?

FRANK DAMON: Arson specialist gave me your name. Well, six of them, actually.
They all turned my case down. Will you help me?

GRISSOM: Fires are very complicated.

FRANK DAMON: It wasn't too complicated for the guy who put me in here.

(GRISSOM doesn't answer him right away. He looks at FRANK DAMON for a long

FRANK DAMON: You think if you stare at me long enough, you can tell if I'm

GRISSOM: I don't mean to stare ... but, yes, I can learn some things. For
instance, the back of your hands are smooth. You read a lot. You have
indentation marks on your nose from reading glasses. Your speech tells me that
you're well-educated. Your occupation's not listed in the file, but I think
that you had a white-collar job.

FRANK DAMON: (nods) Paper-pusher for the phone company.

GRISSOM: I don't know yet whether you're left- or right-handed, though.

(FRANK instinctively pulls his right hand toward him. GRISSOM notices the

GRISSOM: Now, you want to tell me what happened?

FRANK DAMON: It was about midnight.

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, FRANK leans in to kiss JEANNIE as
she tucks the blanket around TOBY. FRANK straightens up.

FRANK DAMON: Okay, baby.

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) My wife, Jeannie -- she was hungry. She had a food

(End of flashback. Resume to present.

FRANK DAMON: She sent me out to the store to get her some ice cream.

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, JEANNIE turns and lightly touches
TOBY'S head as he lies in bed.)

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) My son, Toby, he was in the bed with us.

(FRANK puts his coat on to leave.)

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) He couldn't sleep. I was going to take him camping the
next day.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

FRANK DAMON: Toby was eight.

GRISSOM: Why don't you tell me about the fire.

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, the SUV pulls up into the

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) I got back from the store in under 20 minutes.

(He parks the car and sees the smoke rising from the house.)

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) I saw smoke coming out of the back of the house. I could
hear the alarm.

(He rushes into the house and runs to the bedroom.)


FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) The house was filled with smoke.


(FRANK reaches the bedroom door and sees the smoke coming out from under the

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) I checked the door for heat. I knew not to open it.

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)


FRANK DAMON: Flashover.

(Surprised that FRANK even knows about "flashovers".)

GRISSOM: Flashover?

FRANK DAMON: That's right. When the fire reaches about 932 degrees Fahrenheit
you add oxygen and the smoke will burst into flame. I know how fire behaves,
Mr. Grissom, because I'm a volunteer fireman. I was hoping to make the
department this Spring. So I couldn't open the door. I ran outside to my car
to call a rig.

GRISSOM: Well, if you're a volunteer fireman then you must be familiar with the
use of accelerants.


GRISSOM: According to the report there were traces of gasoline found on the
floor of your bedroom closet.

FRANK DAMON: That's right, and I don't know how it got there. We didn't keep
anything like that in the house.

GRISSOM: Our homicide department has a credit card receipt for gasoline -- your
receipt -- and there's no other suspects.

(FRANK'S getting upset.)

FRANK DAMON: I didn't burn down my house, Mr. Grissom. I bought the gasoline
for the lawnmower and kept it in the garage. Now, if there was gasoline in our
closet someone else put it there. Find them.

GRISSOM: I don't chase criminals, Mr. Damon. I just evaluate evidence.

(FRANK puts his hand up against the glass. GRISSOM glances at it and notices

FRANK DAMON: I need someone to believe me -- to figure this out.

GRISSOM: How did you burn your hand, Mr. Damon?

(FRANK puts his hand down.)

FRANK DAMON: I don't remember.

GRISSOM: People with third-degree burns don't forget how they got them.

(FRANK takes a breath.)

FRANK DAMON: You're not going to help me?

GRISOM: I'll take your case. I don't know whether I'll help you or not.




SCENE #09:


(The Tahoe pulls up to the drive. GRISSOM, SARA and WARRICK exit the vehicle
and walk toward the house. They duck under the crime scene tape and look



(The door opens and they walk inside. GRISSOM takes out his flashlight and
looks at they damage. WARRICK starts snapping some photos.)

GRISSOM: Nothing harder to investigate than arson. If the fire hasn't ruined
your crime scene...

SARA: ... The firemen have.


SARA: Funny place for a mattress.

GRISSOM: Overhaul. Post-blaze, firemen remove charred items to neutralize the
hot spots. Prevents flare-ups.

(WARRICK continues snapping photos. GRISSOM turns and heads down the hallway.
He looks around. He and SARA pause in front of the little boy's bedroom.)


(SARA steps inside and kneels in front of some packed gear on the floor.)

SARA: Looks like the kid was going camping.

(She puts her kit down and takes out some tweezers which she uses to reach into
the backpack. She picks up a container of matches.)

SARA: Waterproof matches.

GRISSOM: Bag those.

WARRICK: What do you think? The kid might have started it?

(GRISSOM doesn't say anything. He simply looks at WARRICK, who gets it

WARRICK: (nods & sighs) We don't rule anything out.


(SARA bags the matches.)


(GRISSOM continues down the hallway and heads toward the end where the master
bedroom is. WARRICK and SARA follow him. He looks around at the damaged room.)

GRISSOM: The fire was contained inside this room ... but the outside door frame
is severely charred.

WARRICK: Well, fires take the path of least resistance. I mean, they feed off
of oxygen and combustibles.

GRISSOM: We're going to take a piece of this back to the lab.

SARA: It's a weird place for such a thorough burn especially since the door
isn't scorched.


SARA: Look at this. Rubber?

(GRISSOM kneels down to look at what's burned into the door knob. They all look
at it.)

WARRICK: Firemen wear rubber gloves.

(WARRICK snaps a photo.)

(They walk into the bedroom.)


WARRICK: According to Ecklie's report, which was filed in record time, the
point of origin for the fire was the closet. Gris, there's nothing left here.

(GRISSOM looks at the closet.)

GRISSOM: More than you think. "V" pattern on the outside wall. Fires like to
go up and out.

SARA: That's why you can always count on seeing a pattern.

GRISSOM: This one's narrow. This was a very intense, rapidly moving fire.

WARRICK: Well, that confirms Ecklie's findings about the use of an accelerant.

(WARRICK snaps a photo.)

GRISSOM: The apex of the "V" usually indicates the point of origin. You want
to call it, Warrick?

WARRICK: Damon doused the closet floor with gasoline, lit it and got the hell
out of dodge.

(GRISSOM sees something on the floor.)

GRISSOM: Shards of glass.

SARA: Bag a sample. I'll put it through the lab.

(GRISSOM fingers the glass and can't move it. He looks up at SARA.)

GRISSOM: Can't. It's melted into the concrete.

(Quick CGI close up of the glass melted into the concrete.)

SARA: So that's why the concrete's discolored? From the heat?

GRISSOM: It's called "spalling." It confirms the presence of an accelerant.

SARA: Why would there be glass in the middle of the hot spot?

GRISSOM: Good question.

WARRICK: Who cares? The guy torched his wife and kid.

(GRISSOM turns to look at WARRICK.)

GRISSOM: Really? Where's the trailing? An arsonist would spread the gasoline
around to maximize the burn area.

(After a moment, SARA concurs.)

SARA: He still did the job.

(GRISSOM stands up.)

GRISSOM: Listen, you guys. You're like Dodger fans. The ball game's only in
the seventh inning and you're already out of your seats.

(GRISSOM walks past them.)


SCENE #10:


(CATHERINE leads SANDRA HILLMAN into the room to identify the body. They walk
up to the body. CATHERINE lowers the sheet.)

CATHERINE: Mrs. Hillman? Is this your son?

(SANDRA HILLMAN looks down at the body and inhales. She starts to cry

(She nods.)

(Watching her, CATHERINE isn't unaffected and starts crying also.)


SCENE #11:


(MRS. HILLMAN leans against the wall trying to compose herself. CATHERINE
stands next to her.)

CATHERINE: Mrs. Hillman? Was your son hearing-impaired? Joey was wearing a
hearing aid.

SANDRA HILLMAN: (shakes her head) No. No, Joey's hearing was fine. Why would
he have that?

CATHERINE: (softly) I don't know.

(She thinks about it for a moment, then something occurs to her.)

SANDRA HILLMAN: Wait a minute. (sighs) Danny ... swore to me he'd keep Joey
out of that racket.


SANDRA HILLMAN: My older son. He's a runner, too. They wear remote earpieces.
That's how they talk to the guy they worked for. We've had full-scale wars
about him doing that -- carrying around that kind of money-- but does he stop?
No. He gets Joey involved.

CATHERINE: Well, the police will want to talk to your son Danny.

SANDRA HILLMAN: I haven't seen him in a week. And he hasn't returned my calls.

(She turns to CATHERINE.)

SANDRA HILLMAN: Do you think something's happened to him, too?

(CATHERINE doesn't say anything.)


SCENE #12:


(GRISSOM, SARA and WARRICK walk through the hallway just returned from their
visit to the house and carrying bags of evidence. They bump into CONRAD ECKLIE.
GRISSOM sighs.)


GRISSOM: I'll see you guys in the evidence lab.

CONRAD ECKLIE: Night shift so slow you've got to pick over my cases?

GRISSOM I'm just making sure that we've answered all the questions.

CONRAD ECKLIE Was it arson? Yes. No doubt about it. What accelerant was used?
Let's see -- hydrocarbon residue, and a credit card receipt. Got to be

GRISSOM: Yeah? Why was there no trailing? And why no evidence of an
incendiary device anywhere in the bedroom?

CONRAD ECKLIE: He's a volunteer fireman, Gil. He knows how to start a fire and
hide the evidence. Don't you think, if this guy was remotely innocent his
attorney would be involved in your little investigation?

GRISSOM: What are you so afraid of, Conrad? We're just a couple of science
geeks. Why can't we work together?

CONRAD ECKLIE: No, we are public servants. We investigate cases as efficiently
as we can and then we move on. We're not a clearinghouse for defendants on the
eve of trial who don't like what we've turned up.

GRISSOM: Yes, we are -- if it's our mistake that put them there.

(GRISSOM starts to walk past ECKLIE.)

CONRAD ECKLIE: Fine. Spin your wheels.

(He turns around and stops him.)

GRISSOM: Hey, Eck? (smiles) What is the new policy on vacation days?

(ECKLIE doesn't answer. He shakes his head and they walk on.)


SCENE #13:


(CATHERINE and NICK talk with WARRICK about "runners". WARRICK takes off his

WARRICK: Runners, huh? I know a little something about that world.

NICK: Yeah, we thought you might. So?

WARRICK: It breaks down like this. There's about a half a dozen runners in
town -- they're mostly kids -- and they make about two "g's" a week. And they
all work for the same guy.

CATHERINE: Well, that's more than a little something.

(WARRICK puts his shirt in his locker.)

WARRICK: I used to be a runner in college. It paid the bills. I had route
five. Worked Boulder, Sunset, Vacation, and the bay -- all of that.

CATHERINE: So, who was your boss then?

WARRICK: The Voice.

(WARRICK takes out a shirt and puts it on.)

NICK: He didn't have a name?

WARRICK; Runners go from bet to bet, they jot down their orders and they call
them in to "The Voice." Guy runs the entire operation underground. I mean, he
takes orders from Back East and lays them off in Vegas. Pockets his vig, his
commission. He's like a trader on the stock exchange.

(WARRICK'S pager beeps. He checks it.)

WARRICK: I knew it. That's Grissom. I got to bail.

(WARRICK closes his locker, then heads for the door.)

NICK: So ... how do we find this, uh ... "Voice"?

WARRICK: You don't. He's not who you're looking for anyway. If you want to
know who capped this kid? Then you should talk to another runner. I mean,
they'll kill each other for a good route.


SCENE #14:


(GRISSOM is in the lab conducting an experiment. SARA walks in and leans over
to see what GRISSOM has under the hood.)

GRISSOM: Uh... you might want to take three giant steps backward.

(SARA straightens and backs away.)

WARRICK: What's going on?

SARA: Danger, Will Robinson.

GRISSOM: Three drops of gasoline, limited oxygen supply heat to ignition
temperature of 932 degrees Fahrenheit.

WARRICK: Same conditions in Damon's bedroom, night of the fire.

(The mouth of the flask flashes and a small explosion sounds.)

GRISSOM: Smoke to fire.

(WARRICK takes a seat.)

WARRICK: Flashover. So, that confirms the first part of Damon's story.

GRISSOM: Tell me you're here to confirm part two.

SARA: As a matter of fact, here is your doorframe. I had Collins analyze the
burn depth. You see these rolling blisters?

GRISSOM: It's called alligatoring. See the way the wood's cracked? It looks
like the skin of an alligator.

SARA: Based on the depth of the allir... allo...

WARRICK: "Alligatoring".

(SARA nods to WARRICK.)

SARA: This wood burned very hot and very fast.

GRISSOM: Use of accelerant?

SARA: Negative.

WARRICK: But that piece was a doorframe outside of the bedroom -- which was a
contained site.

GRISSOM: So, the only way this could've happened was ... O2.

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, camera close up of the smoke
escaping from under the door opening. It's rolling out, then rolls back under.
The house alarm is beeping.)

(DAMON is standing in front of the door and opens it automatically. The
flashover causes him to fall back into the hallway.)

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

GRISSOM: Damon opened the door. (beat) He lied.

(GRISSOM takes off his glasses.)

WARRICK: So what happens now?

GRISSOM: We chase the lie ... 'til it leads to the truth.




SCENE #15:


(GRISSOM makes his way down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, FRANK DAMON
is sitting on a bench, talking with RACHEL. FRANK sees GRISSOM walking up to
them and stands up. He gives RACHEL a hug and she leaves.)

(GRISSOM notices her as they pass each other. He looks up at FRANK.)

(They both sit down.)

FRANK DAMON: That's my sister. She's the only one who stood by me in all this.

GRISSOM: Anything else you want to tell me?

FRANK DAMON: What, about my sister?

GRISSOM: About the fire.

FRANK DAMON: I ... told you everything.

GRISSOM: Your bedroom doorframe disagrees. If no one opened the door ... the
outside frame would not have burned. As a firefighter you know that.

(He looks down and doesn't say anything.)

GRISSOM: May I see your hand, please? Palm up.

(FRANK opens his palm to show GRISSOM the burns. GRISSOM takes out a door

GRISSOM: This is the same type of doorknob that you have on your bedroom door.

(GRISSOM puts the door knob in FRANK'S palm. FRANK grabs the doorknob and
starts crying.)

GRISSOM: Mr. Damon ...

FRANK DAMON: Please ... I don't want anyone to know.

GRISSOM: Why? This places you outside of the fire. You're facing the death
penalty. Why are you lying?

FRANK DAMON: (ashamed) I'm a firefighter. And when my wife and my son needed
me ... I forgot everything.

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, FRANK rushes in to the hallway
heading straight for the master bedroom all the while calling for JEANNIE.)

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) I didn't check for heat.


FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) I didn't look for smoke.

(FRANK bumps into the door, then turns down the hallway to the end of the hall
and reaches for the doorknob.)

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) All I could think about was getting them out. So I opened
the door. I let a monster out.

(As soon as he opens the door, the smoke explodes into fire. It pushes him back
through the hallway.)

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) I could just about make them out through the flame.

FRANK DAMON: Jeannie! Jeannie!

FRANK DAMON: (v.o.) But I... I couldn't get to them!

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

GRISSOM: What else?

FRANK DAMON: I had to close the door. The whole house would've gone up and the
firemen would have never reached them. (He starts crying.) I killed my family.

GRISSOM: Carbon monoxide killed them long before the fire got to them. You
know that.

(He shakes his head.)

FRANK DAMON: It doesn't matter what I know. My family died because I wasn't
there to protect them.

GRISSOM: You tried to save your family, but that doesn't mean that you didn't
start the fire. Are you lying about that, too?

FRANK DAMON: (he stops crying) You tell me.

GRISSOM: I will.


SCENE #16:


(NICK and CATHERINE are back interviewing TONY.)

TONY (TELLER 12): Hey, you didn't hear this from me, all right? But, um ... see
the guy over there -- blue sweatshirt with the orange hood?

NICK: Yeah.

(They turn and see the kid sitting down at the table talking to no one ... and

TONY (TELLER 12): 702. He's a runner. He used to hang with 517-- the kid who
was killed.

NICK: He's not talking to himself, is he?

TONY (TELLER 12): Talking to his boss on a wire.

CATHERINE: It's illegal to use two-way communication in the sportsbook.

TONY (TELLER 12): As long as you don't get caught. I got to get back to work.

(TONY leaves. NICK and CATHERINE head over toward 702.)

702: (to mic) Lakers are minus 11. Total is 189. Yeah. Bulls pick. Kings
are down to nine from 11. (pauses and listens to the instructions over the
earpiece) Done.

(702 stands up and heads for the cage. He puts a betting piece down.)

702: Lakers. $50,000. Gimme as much at eleven as you can.

(CATHERINE and NICK walk up to 702.)

CATHERINE: You like the Lakers today?

CAGE: Here you go.

(The CAGE hands 702 his ticket. 702 picks it up and turns to look at


702: Yeah, Joey Hillman, 517. Yeah, he was a good kid. It's too bad about him
getting shot.

NICK: Yeah, I guess all the runners heard about it by now, huh?

702: I guess.

CATHERINE; So, who got Joey's route?

702: I don't know. The only thing I know is my own route.

NICK: What was Joey's route, exactly?

702: You guys are asking a lot questions here for not being cops, huh?

NICK: Are you interested in helping us better understand Joey's crime scene, or
... not?

702: I only know what I see on the news. (chuckles, then stands) Later.

(702 leaves.)


SCENE #17:


(Wearing a face mask, WARRICK kneels down to look at the damage inside the

(Someone approaches him from behind. WARRICK is too engrossed in the scene in
front of him to notice. The person walks up closer, then makes a sound.
WARRICK gasps, jumps, turns and holds up his flashlight.)

(GRISSOM also holds up his flashlight on WARRICK.)

WARRICK: You got me.

GRISSOM: Sorry. What are you doing here?

WARRICK: Sifting through this debris.

(GRISSOM still holds the flashlight on WARRICK.)

WARRICK: You mind?

(He moves his flashlight from WARRICK'S face.)


WARRICK: Give me a hand with this mattress.

(GRISSOM and WARRICK move the mattress. Underneath, they find something.)

GRISSOM Space heater. Janko electric, model ... ... 220.

WARRICK: Or it was. I figure it must have burned up in the bedroom and the
firemen threw it out here with the rest of this overhaul.

GRISSOM: This is heavy-duty, high voltage. This thing could heat our whole

WARRICK: Or overload a house.

(At that suggestion, GRISSOM realizes.)

WARRICK: (nods) Breaker box.


SCENE #18:


(They open the breaker box and look inside.)

WARRICK: Circuit overload. Master bedroom.

GRISSOM: You know what to do next?



SCENE #19:


(WARRICK uses a power drill and cuts out the remains of the overloaded plug in
the bedroom.)


SCENE #20:


(CATHERINE speaks with the LAB TECH, L. COLLINS.)

COLLINS: The condensation inside Joey's back seat window is nasal mucus.

CATHERINE: From a sneeze.

COLLINS: Most likely. You're thinking ... the shooter was in the back seat?

CATHERINE: Mm-hmm, with the sniffles.

COLLINS: Mm-hmm.

CATHERINE: So what is the DNA like in mucus these days?

COLLINS: It's pretty good. I'll start a DNA profile.


(Behind her, DAVID PHILLIPS calls out to CATHERINE.)


(She turns around.)

CATHERINE: Oh, hi, David. What's up?

DAVID PHILLIPS: There's someone waiting for you in reception.


SCENE #21:


(CATHERINE walks over to find SGT. O'RILEY with SANDRA HILLMAN and her son,

CATHERINE: Detective?

SGT. O'RILEY: She came in with her son. Thought you'd like a conversation
before we sat down with him.

CATHERINE: Yeah, thanks. Did you call Nick?


(She steps forward.)

SANDRA HILLMAN: Uh ... (to DANNY) Come on. (to CATHERINE) This is my son
Danny. He heard about Joey and came home.


SCENE #22:



DANNY HILLMAN: So I took some of my runner money and I hit the blackjack
tables. I lost ... so I doubled up. I ended up losing thirty grand in eight

CATHERINE: Well, I can see why you ran.

DANNY HILLMAN: I was scared. You know, it wasn't my money.

NICK: Did you think to get back to your boss? Try to make amends?

CATHERINE: You guys don't even know who your boss is, do you?

NICK: Did you tell Joey to get out of town-that someone might try to harm him
on behalf of your boss?

DANNY HILLMAN: I should have. But, no ... I only worried about my butt. They
killed Joey to send a message to me. Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

CATHERINE: Danny ... do you have any idea who shot your brother?

DANNY HILLMAN: One of the runners. Probably a guy ...

SANDRA HILLMAN: No! No. No names.

DANNY HILLMAN: One of them killed Joey. You know, they'll do anything for
money. It's like a-a disease.

SANDRA HILLMAN: And if you talk, they'll come after you. (to CATHERINE) No.
No, I'm not losing another child.

DANNY HILLMAN: Joey died because of me. Either they find his shooter, or I do.

NICK: Whoa, whoa! Hold on, now. Nobody's going after anybody. Okay, he
doesn't have to give us a name, Mrs. Hillman. Alright. Danny, you wear an
earpiece, right? Just give us the frequency your runners operate on.


SCENE #23:


(GRISSOM works on the wiring from the wall socket. CONRAD ECKLIE passes by in
the hallway, turns and sees GRISSOM. He lingers in the doorway.)

CONRAD ECKLIE: What the hell are you doing?

GRISSOM: Something you probably should have done.

CONRAD ECKLIE: (scoffs) You're checking for faulty wiring? Waste of time,
Gil. Fire started on the floor in the closet not in the wires in the wall.

GRISSOM: Yeah, that was your report. This is an electrical socket from the
closet where a space heater was plugged in.

CONRAD ECKLIE: A heater? There was no heater there.

GRISSOM: I found it in the living room, melted.

CONRAD ECKLIE: And I suppose you happen to know which outlet it was plugged

GRISSOM: It was a cold night. The outlet in the closet was closest to her bed.

CONRAD ECKLIE: That's a little far-fetched, don't you think?

GRISSOM: Look ... if this wire burned from the inside out then the fire started
in the wall not on the closet floor.

GRISSOM: Discoloration throughout the conductor. It burned from the inside
out. The cause of this fire was an electrical overload in the wall.

CONRAD ECKLIE: All right, you say wall, I say floor. We differ on points of
origin. The jury's only going to hear one word: Gasoline.

GRISSOM: Speaking of which ... where's your accelerant analysis work?

CONRAD ECKLIE: I personally swabbed the closet floor. Found traces of
hydrocarbon chains confirming gasoline. Leave it alone, Gil. The DA agrees
with me on this.

GRISSOM: Too many unanswered questions, Conrad. This case should not be going
to trial yet.

CONRAD ECKLIE: No, there's only one unanswered question. Why was there
accelerant in the closet? Only one person knows. And that's why he's looking
at the death penalty.

(ECKLIE leaves the lab.)


SCENE #24:


(GRISSOM questions FRANK DAMON again.)

FRANK DAMON: Look, I told you ... I don't know why it was there.

GRISSOM: You've got to do better than that.

(Frustrated, FRANK gets to his feet.)

FRANK DAMON: (frustrated) I can't!

GRISSOM: It doesn't prove you didn't start it. Until we can explain why there
was gasoline in the bedroom closet the charges stand.

(FRANK turns to look at GRISSOM.)

FRANK DAMON: Then I guess I'm a dead man.




SCENE #25:


(SGT. O'RILEY lines up a group of young men in a row out in the hallway.)

702: Hey, this is bull. I thought I was showing up to win a trip.

CATHERINE: Oh, one of you is going to win a trip, all right. Everybody clear
this is voluntary?

702: Yeah, sure. Then she just calls the cops to come and arrest us.

CATHERINE: So everyone is clear.

(CATHERINE looks at the men in the line-up. No one says anything. CATHERINE
turns around to look at NICK, who immediately agrees with her.)

NICK: Yeah.


NICK: Okay ... here's what we're going to do. Open your nostrils.

702: (laughs) You know, look, I got a hundred bucks that says none of us are
the shooter.

CATHERINE: Well, if you're that confident it's not one of your guys you must
know who it is.

702: Even if I did, you think I would tell you?

NICK: You're on cool breeze. A hundred bucks.

702 (smiles) Okay.

(NICK takes the sample. CATHERINE walks to the other end of the line and stares
up at the young man.)

CATHERINE: Head back.

(Cut to: Close up of a scissors snipping off the end of the swab. The swab is
put into sample with a sicker label "702" next to it are glass containers for
318, 526, and 431.)

(The swab is processed and tested.)

(The results are printed.)

(NICK reads the results and sighs. He hands the results back to the LAB TECH.)


SCENE #26:


(NICK walks out into the hallway.)

CATHERINE: Okay. You're all free to go.

NICK: This way, gents.

(The runners turn to leave the hallway. 702 turns to look at NICK.)

702: You owe me a c-note, baby.

NICK: Yeah. I don't have it on me. I'll have to bring it to you.

702: Okay. I'll be holding my breath.

NICK: Mm-hmm.

(NICK takes off his gloves, turns to look at CATHERINE, then holds out his hands
in front of him fingers wide and growls.)

(He walks away. CATHERINE remains in the hallway looking at the runners.)


SCENE #27:


(GRISSOM sits and desolately counts the waterproof matches found in TOBY'S

SARA: (o.s.) Counting matches?

(GRISSOM looks up to see SARA lingering in the doorway.


(SARA walks into the office and stands in front of his desk.)

GRISSOM: From the kid's room. I counted them yesterday. And I counted them
this morning. Twenty. They're all there. I really don't know what I'm doing

SARA: I got a theory. You want to hear it?

(GRISSOM looks up at SARA.)


(She sits down.)

SARA: You know the melted shards of glass we found on the closet floor? They
prove that the fire burned at over a thousand degrees, right? But that temp,
combined with the water used to douse the flames would have destroyed most of
the accelerant.

GRISSOM: That's what happens.

(WARRICK walks into the office.)

SARA: So, Ecklie's conclusion of gasoline wasn't based on any physical
evidence. It was based on Damon's credit card receipts.

GRISSOM: (shakes his head) I can't fault him for that. The burn pattern is
consistent with a gasoline accelerant.

SARA: But, hydrocarbons are found in all kinds of things: Oils ... kerosene,
polyethylene-based compounds like laxatives-- even the foam used in push-up

WARRICK: Yeah. Under the right conditions, any hydrocarbon can be an

(This perks GRISSOM up as he now has something to go on. He looks at SARA.)

GRISSOM: Thank you. (to WARRICK) Warrick, you're driving.

(SARA smiles back at GRISSOM. They both stand up.)

WARRICK: You ever worry about professional suicide?

(He looks at WARRICK and answers brightly while shaking his head.)

GRISSOM: Not while I'm committing it, no.

(They turn to leave the room.)


SCENE #28:


(The Tahoe pulls up the side of the street and stops. They notice the large
white van parked in the driveway and the clean-up crew taking out the items from
the house. They watch as they move the burned mattress.)

SARA: Crime scene cleanup.

(GRISSOM whacks WARRICK'S arm to get his attention.)

GRISSOM: (angry) Let's go.

(They drive off.)


SCENE #29:


(GRISSOM charges in through the hallway looking for ECKLIE. He walks into the
break room. WARRICK follows behind him.)

GRISSOM: You son of a bitch. You swept my crime scene. You sent cleanup!

CONRAD ECKLIE: I didn't send anyone. It's been on the books for months.

GRISSOM: So you knew, and did nothing about it even with a man's life on the

CONRAD ECKLIE: If you'd have checked the docket like everybody else you
would've known what was happening. Coffee?

(ECKLIE holds out the coffee pot and GRISSOM, being angry as he is, knocks the
pot clear across the room where the carafe flies across the way, crashes and
shatters into the wall. Broken glass mixed with hot coffee drips along the

CONRAD ECKLIE: Guess you don't want cream with that.

(ECKLIE leaves the break room. WARRICK turns and watches him leave. GRISSOM
stands there and stares at the broken carafe, something stirring at the back of
his mind.)

(GRISSOM takes a step forward toward the broken glass and liquid, this appears
to be very familiar to him.)

(Quick flashback to: Extreme close up of the melted glass in the closet floor.
End of flashback. Resume to present.)

(Camera close up of the broken glass and the hot coffee on the floor. GRISSOM
makes the connection.)

GRISSOM: Thanks, Ecklie.


SCENE #30:


(RACHEL walks down the hallway after visiting with FRANK. GRISSOM makes his way
through the hallway on his way toward FRANK. He looks up and sees her.)



(GRISSOM turns around and stops her.)

GRISSOM: Excuse me. My name's Gil Grissom.

RACHEL: I know. You're helping Frank. Thank you.

(She turns to leave; GRISSOM stops her again.)

GRISSOM: May I ask you a question?

RACHEL: Sure. Anything to help Frank.

GRISSOM: You're his family. What was his relationship like with his wife and

(She smiles.)

RACHEL: Frank was a wonderful father. Toby adored him. (She stops and excuses
herself.) Uh, I'm sorry. I, um ... I have to get back to work. But thank you.

(She leaves. GRISSOM watches her go for a moment before heading back to see


SCENE #31:


(GRISSOM speaks with FRANK through the pexiglass.)

GRISSOM: I broke a coffee pot today. Lost my temper. Anything like that ever
happen to you?

(FRANK doesn't say anything.)

GRISSOM: We found shards of melted glass on the floor of your closet. You want
to tell me about it?

(FRANK still doesn't say anything.)

GRISSOM: Okay, you can explain it in court. It's all part of the report now.

(GRISSOM hangs up. FRANK looks startled and taps on the glass. He motions for
GRISSOM to pick up the phone.)

(GRISSOM picks it up.)

FRANK DAMON: I didn't leave that night to buy ice cream. I was leaving

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, FRANK stands in front of the
closet, yelling at JEANNIE as he throws his clothes into a bag.)

FRANK DAMON: I warned you.

JEANNIE DAMON: Just a few things.

FRANK DAMON: You can have the damn stuff! I told you this was the last time.

JEANNIE DAMON: You going to leave us now?

(He grabs more clothes out of the closet.)

FRANK DAMON: I'm leaving. I'm leaving. I'm leaving. You can be broke by

(JEANNIE turns and grabs some stuff of the bed side table.)

JEANNIE DAMON: You want to leave? Fine!

(She throws the things at FRANK. He ducks, but they hit him.)

JEANNIE DAMON: Okay! Get out!

FRANKDAMON: What the hell are you doing?


(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

FRANK DAMON: So I just got the hell out of there. Drove for about twenty
minutes and then thought, how could I end ten years of our life like that? I
mean, we had a son, so I turned around.

GRISSOM: Wait a minute. Go back. What did she throw at you? Be specific.

FRANK DAMON: (chuckles) Man, I just ducked and covered. I don't remember.


FRANK DAMON: Uh ... a-a phone. A-a bag. Uh, a vase maybe?

GRISSOM: What kind of a vase?

FRANK DAMON: A flower vase? I don't remember any flowers.

GRISSOM: Was it even a vase?

FRANK DAMON: Look, I don't know. I can't remember.

GRISSOM: (persistent) Was it glass? Could it have been glass?

FRANK DAMON: Yes. It was glass. It was a glass lamp, because it had a wick.

(Quick flashback to: The night of the fire, FRANK and JEANNIE argue. She
throws things at him.)


FRANK DAMON: What the hell are you doing?


(She turns and grabs the glass lamp off of the night table.)

FRANK DAMON: I'm leaving!

JEANNIE DAMON: Just get out!

(With both hands, she throws the lamp at FRANK. It misses him and shatters
against the wall near the plug.)

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

GRISSOM: Like a kerosene lamp?

FRANK DAMON: Yeah. She bought a lamp like that.

GRISSOM: I found kerosene on the floor of your closet.

(Quick flashback to: Camera close up of the shattered kerosene lamp on the
floor in the liquid. Camera moves slowly up toward the plug.)

GRISSOM: (v.o.) The space heater overloaded the circuit causing a spark to
ignite the kerosene.

(The plug sparks and shorts out leaving a black scorch mark on the plastic.)

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

FRANK DAMON: Can you prove it? In court?

GRISSOM: (nods confidently) The evidence can.


SCENE #32:


(NICK crosses the main floor looking for runner 702. He walks up to the

NICK: Hey, how you doing?

TONY (TELLER 12): Hey. Who do you want?

NICK: The runner ... um, 702.

(NICK holds up the bill.)

NICK: (smiles) I owe him a little cash.

TONY (TELLER 12): This isn't the only place he hangs out but if you want me to
give it to him ...

NICK: Um ... you have an envelope I could use?

TONY (TELLER 12): Yeah.

(TONY reaches behind the counter to get the envelope. As he reaches over, NICK
notices the watch on his left hand.)

(TONY sniffles, then puts the envelope on the counter for NICK.)

NICK: Nice watch.

TONY (TELLER 12): Thanks.

NICK: (curious) Thought you were getting out of this business.

TONY (TELLER 12): Yeah, uh ...

(TONY rubs his nose and sniffles again.)

TONY (TELLER 12): it's my last day. Got a new job.

NICK: (nods) Later.

TONY (TELLER 12): Yeah.

(NICK turns around to leave just as TONY sneezes. NICK stops and slowly turns
around to look at TONY.)

(TONY raises his eyes and looks at NICK.)

(Quick flashback to: The night of the murder, JOEY HILLMAN gets into his car.
He shuts the door. White flash to: TONY sits up in the seat behind JOEY,
raises the gun at the back of his head and fires. Blood spurts on the front

(TONY pushes JOEY forward against the steering wheel and takes the money.)

TONY (TELLER 12): You're out of business, Joey.

(TONY opens the door and steps out of the car. He sneezes onto the glass.)

(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

NICK: New job, huh? Joey's old route? (steps toward TONY) Did you get so scared when you shot him that you forgot the money?

TONY (TELLER 12): I want a lawyer.

NICK: Well, you better get one that knows forensics ... (NICK runs his finger against the glass.) ... 'cause we got you. (to radio) Dispatch, victor 19. Code 462 on the 4-20 suspect Monaco.


SCENE #33:


(The GUARD opens the exterior wire gate just as FRANK DAMON walks through the interior wire gate. FRANK walks outside.)

(Leaning against the Tahoe parked in front of the gate is GRISSOM. FRANK walks up to GRISSOM.)

GRISSOM: Thought you might need a ride.

FRANK DAMON: (smiles) Thanks. (then points to the side where RACHEL gets out of the parked car - license #EPI-523) ... I'm okay.

(GRISSOM turns to look at FRANK.)

GRISSOM: Your sister. Who is she?

FRANK DAMON: Would you have helped me if I told you that my wife and I fought that night that I was leaving her for another woman? For Rachel?

GRISSOM: I don't judge people.

FRANK DAMON: It's funny. When I got out, I thought I'd feel ... (sighs) ... free.

GRISSOM: And ... ?

FRANK DAMON: I feel ...

GRISSOM: ... responsible?

(FRANK doesn't say anything and nods. He turns and heads for RACHEL. GRISSOM stands on the side as he watches them hug each other. FRANK picks RACHEL up in
his arms and slowly swings her around.)


Ecrit par drogba

Kikavu ?

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